

Whiles pitching for the re-brand of Hyperoptic we enhanced the pitch submission with an illustration of what the future brand and experience for a customer as well as an employee could look like with Hyperoptic.


My role
Digital Creative Director
Lead UI Design


We purposed a new Hyperoptic with a brand position built on connectivity and user confidence.

Supported by a fresh and contemporary visual language build on single minded boldness and clarity with added touches of organic illustrations for softness.


To bring the brand and customer experience to life we created two personas ‘Ruby’ the new customer and ‘Pete’ the Hyperoptic engineer.

We illustrated how the brand would not only look but also how it can interact with its customer and employees all through an experience journey across multiple channels.

It all starting with Ruby when she receives a direct mail and walks past a Hyperotpic bus - a pop up hotspot where she can test out the fibre optic speed Hyperoptic promises.

Ruby carries out further research on the the Hyperoptic website. Discovers that clear and straight forward prising is used. She also clearly can see what other providers speed is and prices.

She likes the Spotify download checker tool as it illustrates the service Hyperoptic promises.

Ruby decides that Hyperoptic is the right broadband provider for here and proceeded to purchase to get it installed.

Ruby receives a confirmation email with details on the next steps, which include downloading the Hyperoptic app to track the progress.

The next day Pete - the Hyperoptic engineer receives the job to install Hyperoptic at Ruby’s flat through his employee app.

He except the job and lets Ruby know that he’s on is way.

Pete arrives as expected and he has with him Ruby’s limited-edition Hyperoptic router she ordered as an extra.

Pete installs the fibre optic cable, tests the Wi-Fi connection in the different rooms and connects all of Ruby’s smart devices.

Ruby’s broadband is all set up. She opens the companion app and starts to explore what Hyperoptic can do. She discovers that she can talk to a member of the H-Team at any time to ask them advice regarding all her technology needs.

She also sees exclusive offers from partner brands, all geared towards improving her day-to-day.



